Vi Keeland

 Vi Keeland 's Books

A very well recieved series by Vi Keeland are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Worth Forgiving, Worth the Chance, Worth the Fight, Made for You, Belong to You, Beautiful Mistake, Stuck-Up Suit, Cocky Bastard, Left Behind, Beat, Throb, The Summer Proposal, Merry Ever After, The Spark, Bossman (Dirty Office Romance 1), The Invitation, Beat (Life on Stage 2), Throb (Life on Stage 1), Egomaniac, The Rivals, Belong to You (Cole 1), Worth the Chance (MMA Fighter 2), Worth the Fight (MMA Fighter 1), Made for You (Cole 2), Worth Forgiving (MMA Fighter 3), Ego Maniac, Sex, Not Love, Mister Moneybags, All Grown Up, Reckless Rockstar, We Shouldn't, Inappropriate, Hate Notes, First Thing I See, Dry Spell, [2014] Throb, Bossman, which was published in 2022.